"10 Rillington Place" is a chilling horror-drama that delves into the dark and twisted world of John Christie, one of Britain's most notorious serial killers. Set in the 1940s and 1950s, the film chronicles the series of murders committed by Christie in his Notting Hill home, located at 10 Rillington Place.
The narrative takes a particularly harrowing turn when Timothy Evans, a tenant of Christie, is wrongfully accused and hanged for the murder of his wife and daughter, crimes that were actually committed by Christie himself.
Release Information
Release Date:
10th February 1971
111 minutes
Country of Origin:
United Kingdom
Cast & Crew
Main Cast:
- Richard Attenborough as John Christie
- John Hurt as Timothy Evans
- Judy Geeson as Beryl Evans
Richard Fleischer
- Clive Exton (screenplay)
- Ludovic Kennedy (based on the book by)
Where to Stream
United States (US)
There are currently no streaming offers in the US.
Streaming: Dive into the movie on Amazon Prime Video or IndieFlix.
Buy/Rent: The US offers a wide array of platforms for your movie needs. Choose from Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Vudu, Microsoft Store, and DIRECTV.
Australia (AU)
There are currently no streaming offers in the AU.
Buy/Rent: Aussies can purchase or rent the movie on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, and YouTube.
United Kingdom (GB)
There are currently no streaming offers in the GB.
Buy/Rent: In the UK, the movie is available on Amazon Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Sky Store, Microsoft Store, and YouTube.
Germany (DE)
There are currently no streaming offers in the DE.
Buy/Rent: Germans can get the movie on Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, and YouTube.
Spain (ES)
There are currently no streaming offers in the ES.
Streaming: For those in Spain, the movie is available for streaming on Filmin.
Buy/Rent: If you're looking to buy, the movie is available on Amazon Video.
France (FR)
There are currently no streaming offers in the FR.
Buy/Rent: The French audience can purchase or rent the movie on Orange VOD and Amazon Video.
Canada (CA)
There are currently no streaming offers in the CA.
Streaming: Canadians can enjoy the movie on Hollywood Suite and the Hollywood Suite Amazon Channel.
Buy/Rent: For those looking to buy or rent in Canada, the movie is available on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Cineplex, YouTube, and Amazon Video.
Production Details
Production Company:
Filmways Pictures
Columbia Pictures
Estimated at £500,000
Box Office Collection:
Approximately £2 million (worldwide)
Critical Reception:
"10 Rillington Place" was met with critical acclaim upon its release. Critics lauded Richard Attenborough's chilling portrayal of John Christie, with many considering it one of his finest performances. John Hurt's portrayal of Timothy Evans was equally praised, with many noting the raw emotion and vulnerability he brought to the role.
The film's atmospheric tension, combined with its meticulous attention to historical detail, made it stand out as a unique entry in the horror genre. The cinematography by Denys Coop was particularly noted for its ability to capture the grim and claustrophobic environment of Rillington Place, making the audience feel as trapped as Christie's victims.
Audience Reception:
The film resonated with audiences, not just as a horror movie but also as a commentary on the flaws in the justice system. The wrongful execution of Timothy Evans led to significant public outcry in real life, and the film's portrayal of these events reignited discussions about the death penalty in the UK.
Awards & Nominations:
The film received several award nominations, with Richard Attenborough and John Hurt both receiving nods for their performances. "10 Rillington Place" played a significant role in the British Film Awards that year, further cementing its place as a classic in British cinema.