"March Comes in Like a Lion," also known as "3-gatsu no Lion," is a captivating Japanese anime series that originally aired from October 2016 to March 2018. Directed by Akiyuki Shinbo and produced by Shaft, this critically acclaimed show delves into the complex life of a young professional shogi player, exploring themes of loneliness, personal growth, and the importance of human connections.
The story revolves around Rei Kiriyama, a 17-year-old professional shogi player burdened by the weight of his own talent. Orphaned at a young age and estranged from his foster family, Rei battles loneliness and depression.
As he navigates the competitive world of shogi, he encounters the Kawamoto sisters—Akari, Hinata, and Momo. Their warmth and support bring light into Rei's life, fostering deep bonds that aid in his journey toward self-discovery and emotional healing.
Significance, Themes, and Why You Should Watch:
"March Comes in Like a Lion" stands out for its profound exploration of the human psyche, beautifully blending moments of introspection with heartwarming connections.
The series masterfully tackles themes of mental health, the importance of friendship, and the transformative power of self-acceptance. Its unique narrative style, combining drama, slice of life, and sports elements, appeals to a wide audience.
Viewers are drawn into Rei's world, empathizing with his struggles and celebrating his triumphs. The show's ability to portray the intricacies of the human experience, coupled with stunning animation and a poignant soundtrack, makes it a must-watch for anime enthusiasts seeking a deeply emotional and thought-provoking experience.
Where To Stream
Currently not available on any streaming platform.
Production Details:
Directed by Akiyuki Shinbo and produced by Shaft, "March Comes in Like a Lion" benefits from a talented team. The series is an adaptation of the manga of the same name by Chica Umino, ensuring a faithful and compelling portrayal of the source material.
The animation captures the emotional nuances of the characters, bringing the shogi matches to life with intensity and skill. The soundtrack, composed by Yukari Hashimoto, complements the series beautifully, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments.
Reception and Awards:
"March Comes in Like a Lion" received widespread acclaim for its storytelling, character development, and animation quality. Critics lauded its realistic depiction of mental health struggles and its ability to resonate with audiences on a profound level.
Audiences praised the series for its emotional depth, relatable characters, and the overall impact it had on their perspectives. While it didn't receive numerous awards, the show gained a dedicated fanbase and left a lasting legacy in the anime community.
Trivia and Fun Facts:
- The title "March Comes in Like a Lion" is a reference to the saying, "March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb," symbolizing the transition from winter to spring.
- The shogi matches in the series are meticulously researched and accurately portrayed, adding authenticity to the narrative.
- A live-action film adaptation was released in 2017, further expanding the reach of the series.
Controversies and Interesting Stories:
"March Comes in Like a Lion" did not face major controversies. However, its honest portrayal of mental health and personal struggles sparked discussions within the anime community, contributing to a broader conversation about the representation of these themes in the medium.
In conclusion, "March Comes in Like a Lion" is a remarkable anime series that transcends the boundaries of its genre. With its powerful exploration of human emotions, relatable characters, and stunning animation, it leaves a lasting impact on those who embark on Rei Kiriyama's journey of self-discovery and resilience.