"Special," a thought-provoking film released in 2006, takes audiences on a unique and unexpected journey. Directed by Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore, this indie gem explores the blurred lines between reality and perception, anchored by a standout performance from its lead actor, Michael Rapaport.
Release Date and Directors:
"Special" made its debut on September 13, 2006, under the collaborative direction of Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore.
The film follows the life of Les Franken (Michael Rapaport), a meter maid with an unremarkable existence. Les's mundane life takes a surreal turn when he volunteers for a pharmaceutical drug trial.
The experimental medication promises to make people "special," but its side effects lead Les to believe he has developed superpowers. Convinced of his newfound abilities, Les sets out to fight crime, encountering both real and imagined threats.
As Les's perception of reality becomes increasingly skewed, the film delves into themes of mental health, identity, and the consequences of blurring the boundaries between fiction and reality. The narrative takes unexpected turns, keeping the audience guessing about the true nature of Les's experiences.
Significance, Themes, and Why You Should Watch:
"Special" stands out for its exploration of mental health in a darkly comedic and thought-provoking manner. The film delves into the consequences of searching for meaning and purpose in a world that often feels mundane and ordinary. Michael Rapaport's portrayal of Les adds depth to the character, blending humor with moments of genuine emotion.
The film challenges viewers to question their own perceptions of reality and the impact of societal expectations on individual well-being. "Special" is a unique cinematic experience that combines elements of comedy and drama to address serious themes.
Where to Stream
United States (US):
There are currently no streaming offers in the US.
- Streaming Options: None
- Buying Options: Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Vudu, FlixFling
- Free Options: None
Canada (CA):
There are currently no streaming offers in the CA.
- Streaming Options: None
- Buying Options: FlixFling
- Free Options: None
Production Details:
Hal Haberman and Jeremy Passmore co-wrote and directed "Special." The film's production faced the challenge of balancing the delicate tonal shifts between comedy and drama, a task executed skillfully by the directors. Filming locations included various urban settings that added to the film's sense of authenticity.
Despite its modest budget, the production team effectively brought the script to life, creating a visually engaging and emotionally resonant experience for the audience.
Reception and Awards:
Critical Reception: "Special" received positive reviews for its originality, Michael Rapaport's performance, and its ability to navigate complex themes. Critics praised the film's blend of genres and its thought-provoking narrative.
Audience Reception: While not a box office blockbuster, "Special" garnered a dedicated fan base who appreciated its unconventional approach and the questions it posed about reality and perception.
Awards and Nominations: While not widely recognized in mainstream award ceremonies, "Special" earned acclaim at various independent film festivals for its screenplay and Rapaport's performance.
Trivia and Fun Facts:
- The film's unique visual style includes sequences that mirror comic book panels, enhancing the surreal atmosphere.
- Michael Rapaport's commitment to the role included gaining weight to authentically portray Les's unremarkable and ordinary lifestyle.
- "Special" explores the concept of superhero mythology in a way that challenges traditional superhero narratives.
"Special" remains a hidden gem in the realm of indie cinema, offering a thought-provoking and entertaining experience for those willing to explore the boundaries between reality and imagination.