"The Shape of Water," directed by Guillermo del Toro, is a romantic fantasy drama that captured hearts and awards alike upon its 2017 release. The story follows a mute, lonely woman named Elisa who works as a cleaning lady in a high-security government laboratory. Her life changes when she befriends a humanoid amphibian creature. With captivating performances by Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, and Doug Jones, the movie received numerous accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Picture.
Themes and Significance
"The Shape of Water" explores themes of love, loneliness, and what it means to be human. It stands as a testament to the power of kindness and the importance of empathy, especially towards those who are different.
Awards and Accolades
This captivating film won four Oscars, including Best Director for Guillermo del Toro and Best Original Score for Alexandre Desplat. The movie was widely appreciated for its artistic vision, acting, and storytelling.
Where to Watch: A Country-by-Country Guide
United States
There are currently no streaming offers in the US.
- Streaming: You can stream it on fuboTV, FXNow, or DIRECTV.
- Buying: Purchase options are Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Vudu, Microsoft Store, DIRECTV, and AMC on Demand.
There are currently no streaming offers in the AU.
- Streaming: Available exclusively on Disney Plus.
- Buying: You can buy it on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, YouTube, Telstra TV, and Fetch TV.
United Kingdom
There are currently no streaming offers in the GB.
- Streaming: Stream it on Disney Plus.
- Buying: Options include Amazon Video, Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Sky Store, Microsoft Store, YouTube, and Rakuten TV.
There are currently no streaming offers in the DE.
- Streaming: The film can be streamed on Disney Plus.
- Buying: Available on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Sky Store, Rakuten TV, maxdome Store, and MagentaTV.
There are currently no streaming offers in the BR.
- Streaming: Available to stream on Star Plus.
- Buying: Currently not available for purchase.
There are currently no streaming offers in the ES.
- Streaming: Stream it on Disney Plus and Movistar Plus.
- Buying: You can buy it on Apple TV, Rakuten TV, Google Play Movies, and Amazon Video.
There are currently no streaming offers in the FR.
- Streaming: It's available to stream on Disney Plus.
- Buying: You can buy it from Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Orange VOD, Microsoft Store, YouTube, Canal VOD, Bbox VOD, Rakuten TV, and Amazon Video.
There are currently no streaming offers in the CA.
- Streaming: Stream it on Disney Plus.
- Buying: Available on Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Cineplex, Microsoft Store, YouTube, and Amazon Video.
With its surreal, dreamlike settings, emotionally rich narrative, and beautiful performances, "The Shape of Water" is a must-watch for any lover of film. It's easily accessible across various platforms worldwide, so dive into this enchanting world and experience a love story like no other.